The Essence of Life
The Art of Living
Chanting hymns is a mental exercise that makes you mentally strong.
Telling the truth is the window of your mind that drains out your mental garbage deposited through your life's journey.
Must respect all people regardless of caste, class or religion.
Food is essential for your health and survival, not for tests, so you must prepare your food for your health and survival, not to satisfy your test buds.
Food habits are settled by nature, as per the availability of food and lifestyle, so do not hate others' lifestyles and food habits.
Do not live in luxury. Live your life by fulfilling your necessities because luxury makes you mentally and physically weak.
Meditation is the best way to subjugate your physical and mental needs and choose your life path.
The keyword of our spirituality is AADHYATMA, or getting knowledge of my inner soul, so literacy or basic education is necessary for our SANATAN spirituality.
Serve your society at your best level. This will be the best service to your beloved God or Almighty.
Please celebrate all the Fasts, like Ekadashi, Purnima, and Aamavasya, for your physical fitness and health, but persons with pre-existing diseases must consult a physician before starting these fasts.